Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Beauty Wishlist

My Beauty Wishlist

Hello beauty world :)

Today I am greeting you with a rather quick post. 
Since my 21st birthday is coming up soon I thought why not put up a wishlist on my blog. Maybe, just maybe my wishes will become reality:)

1. Bioderma Sensibio H2O - I got some samples from Bioderma and fell in love with this product. I got only 10ml but I used it for about 5 days. Which is positive I love products that a little goes a long way, especially if the product is a little on the expencive side.

2. Embryolisse Lait-Creme Concentrate - I have heard amazing things about this moisturizer. The pixwoo sisters rave about it so much. Also there are many bloggers that have recomended this. I think it is a product worth trying.
Also Erika from did a review in Slovene click to check that out.

3. Macadamia Deep repair Masque - I used to never use a mask on my hair, but lately I noticed it was dry after rinsing out my shampoo. I have been using my Balea Hair mask and don't get me wrong I love it to bits, but this Macadamia mask has so many great reviews that made me want to try it.

4. MUA Palette - Pretty Pastels - I saw this on Lolistick's Blog (here is the link to the Review-click). I immediately fell in love with the colors. They are lovely for spring and summer. And another positive is that shocker I do not own any pastel palettes !!

5. NYX Blush - Two shades pop in my mind when someone says NYX blusher : Pinched and Taupe. The first one is a peach toned blush that has gold shimmer and the second one is a matte taupe color that is perfect for contouring. Enough said, now shut up and take my money :)

6. Butter London nail polish - Spring collection (pastels)- I have been on the hunt for pastel nailpolishes for a while now and I came across this ones in a video on youtube (it was Lindsay's Nailpolish Collection Video)

7. Catrice Cosmetics - Absolute Nude palette - I went shopping with my mom the other day and we found ourselves browsing through Muller. I came across this beautiful palette and fell in love. Even my mom (who is not so much into makeup as myself) said that I should have a palette like this, because of the beautiful neutral colors. Thank you mom :)

8. Figs & Rouge lip balm - Words are not enough to express my feelings for this product. I fell in love the first time I saw this packaging online. I wished for it to be available in Slovenia and after all those sleepless nights, one day I walked into DM and saw a miracle. They had the Figs&Rouge lip balms and hand creams. I had spent my money on other makeup products which has made me wait so long to purchase this product. But this April you will be mine !! :) And if you wanted to know I am going to purchase the Lemon Berry one :)
Also here is another link to the site where you can purchase them online :)

There, I said everything that I needed to say.
Now I'll be waiting for the genie(my paycheck) to pop out and make this wishes come true :)

Thank you for reading :)
have a nice day,


  1. Js imam NYX Pinched in je eden mojih najljubših in najbolj uporabljenih blushev :)
    Drugače pa super wish lista :)

    1. Hvala :)
      Upam, da bo kmalu tudi v mojih rokah tale Pinched, da bom mela "pinched" lička :)

  2. Jaz bi tudi kakšno rdečilo od NYX :)

    1. Super bi bilo, če bi imeli v Mullerju tale NYX.. se nič ne bi branila :)

  3. Jaz bi kar vse imela, kar si naštela :) A si Catrice paleto v Sloveniji dobila? Nimam ravno blizu Mullerja in čakam, da me kdo obvesti, da jih že imajo :)

    1. Catrice sem vidla v Kranju v Mullerju. Sklepam, da majo po večjih mullerjih tut. Tukaj je bila ze vsa nova kolekcija na polickah, kar je bilo super videti :)

  4. Super WL. Catrice paleto sem že nameravala kupiti, ampaks em se potem odločila, da imam dovolj senčil v naravnih odtenkih in sem jo preskočila.

    P.S. Ena mala prošnja. Bi lahko odklopila preverjanje z besedo? Že trikrat sem se zmotila, upam, da mi četrtič uspe, da pošljem komentar. :)

    1. Jaz poskušam svojo najstarejšo od essence porabiti, saj je že skoraj pri koncu in takoj, ko jo bom grem tole poskusit :)
      Drugac pa joj :/ a veš da sploh nisem vedla, da mam to opcijo naštimano.. sej pomojem sem uredila zdajle, če bo pa spet to težilo mi povej na twitterju pa bom vidla kaj je narobe :)Hvala da si povedala :)

  5. Nice wishlist :) Butter London pastelčke bi takoj imela, NYX blushe pa tudi že nekaj časa opazujem :) sicer sem imela namen naročiti 'bourgeois pig' zadnjič, da bi kolega spravljala ob živce ker me skoz heca da sem buržuj, pa ga na MojaDrogerija ravno niso imeli :(

    1. UU ta je tut lepa barva :) pa se lustkan ime :)
      Upam, da ga bodo kmalu dobili :)

  6. Replies
    1. Japp :) pastelni, odlicni za pomlad in poletje :)


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