Hey lovely readers :)
Živjo drage bralke :)
On this casual Sunday I have another review for you in English and Slovene.
This time I am reviewing a new brand that I haven't tried before. It is MeMeMe and I have heard of it before by watching a lot of british Beauty vloggers.
Last month Anja from Moja Drogerija (click away) asked us to pick a quad/trio from this brand to review and I decided to pick 04 Desire Eyes.
I was very atracted to this shade, because it's green colors reminded me of fall/autumn and since I don't have similar eyeshadow colors in my collection (schooker), it was an easy pick.
MeMeMe Trio - 04 Desire Eyes |
Tokrat ocenjujem novo blagovno znamko, ki je do zdaj še nisem poskusila. Ta je MeMeMe za katero sem slišala le preko nekaterih pritanskih Lepotnih vloggerjev.
Prejšnji mesec Anja iz Moja Drogerija (klik), nam je dala na izbiro za oceno quad ali trio senčk te blagovne znamke in sem se odločila, da si izberem odtenek 04 Desire Eyes.
Ta odtenek me je zelo privlačil, ker so me zelene barve spomnile na jesen in ker nimam podobnega odtenka v moji kolekciji, je bila izbira lahka.
So lets dig into the details :)
Torej, gremo k podrobnostim :)
The shadows are in a round black container with a seethhrough lid which has the name of the brand on it (as you can see in the pictures).It reminds me a lot of MAC packaging (judging from pictures) and that excites me a lot. I also like that you can easily see the colors through the lid and I like that it closes well and securly.
Senčke so v okrogli črni posodi s prozornim pokrovom, ki ima na njem ime blagovne znamke (kot lahko vidite na slikah).
Spominja me na MAC embalaže (sodeč po slikah), kar me je navdušilo še bolj. Všeč mi je tudi, da lahko enostavno vidimo barve skozi pokrov. Pravtako pa da se dobro in varno zapre.
Desire Eyes: up close |
Enough talking about the outside, we all know real beauty lies on the inside.
Dovolj govorjenja o zunanjosti, saj vsi vemo, da prava lepota leži v notranjosti.
Eyeshadow colors:
All the eyeshadows are shimmery, the vibrant green though is a little less. The lighter and darker mossy greens have gold reflex to them, where as the vibrant green has more of a golden green reflex.
Barve senčil :
Vse senčila imajo "shimmer finiš", medtem ko živahno zeleni odtenek malo manj. Prva dva odtenka imajo zlati refleks, živahno zelena pa bolj zeleno-zlati refleks.
I love the formula of these eyeshadow. I found it very easy to apply them. You can blend them to get a more settle smokey look or build them up to get a more night out and sexy smokey eye. I also noticed that there wasn't as much fall out as there usually is with other eyeshadows I often use, and that was a plus.
Obožujem formulo teh senčil. Ugotovila sem, da je nanos zelo enostaven. Zelo lahko se jih zabriše, da bi dobili bolj vsakodnevni Smokey, pravtako se da pigmentacijo dodajati, da bi dobili večern in seksi Smokey look. Opazila sem tudi, da ni bilo veliko opadanja senčil na licih, kar je velik plus, saj ni potrebno dodatno popravljanje podlage v tem predelu.
Pigmentation:The vibrant green dissapointed me in this aspect, in comparisson to the other two greens which are impressively much more pigmented. And as they say a picture is worth a 1000 words - you can see it all in the picture of the swatches.
Živahno zelena me je razočarala v tem pogledu v primerjavi z drugima dvema, ki sta izjemno pigmentirana.
In kot pravijo slika je vredna 1000 besed - vse se lepo vidi na slikah spodaj.
Swatch: with primer |
Without primer |
Staying power:
I used the eyeshadows with different primers and eyeshadow bases and overall I was satisfied with the staying power. The eyeshadows stayed well on my lids, they didn't crease and the colors stayes vibrant.
Senčila sem uporabila z različnimi podlagami in kremnimi senčili. Na splošno sem bila zadovoljena z obstojnostjo.
Senčila so se odlično izkazala na mojih vekah, saj se niso pogreznila v gubice veke. Barve so tudi po nekaj urah ostale živahne.
The look I created |
In conclusion if you are looking for a nice eyeshadow trio to carry aroung in your makeup bag, I reccommend you to get this one.
You can find all the different shades if you click this link, which will lead you to Anja's site Moja Drogerija.si where it retails for 8,30€.
Skratka, če iščete lep Trio senčil za prenašanje v vaši kozmetični torbici, vam priporočam tole senčilo. Lahko najdete vse različne odtenke, če kliknete to povezavo, ki vas bo popeljala na strani Moja Drogerija.si, kjer se prodaja za 8,30 €.
Thank you for reading, make sure you check out Moja Drogerija, and have a nice day, Divna.
Hvala za branje, poskrbite, da boste preverili senčila in drugo ponudbo na Moja drogerija.si.
Lep dan,
Waw, res lepi odtenki :)